As a result of a severe storm, a section of the yacht club’s timber slipway was destroyed. Topbond were appointed to carry out the slipway reinstatement. Prior to the works commencing careful planning and design took place that would allow the yacht club to operate and minimise public inconvenience.

The works took place during a summer period where there was a lot of interest from local tourists. Various measures were taken to ensure noise and heavy plant movement was minimised and heavy timbers carefully placed in position. These works were carried out by our own in-house labour who were experienced in marine timber structures.
Works were planned around the tidal cycles ensuring that the site was left in a safe condition at the end of each working day. To assist the boatman in pulling their trolleys up the slipway, an anti-slip solution was included in the new timbers. The yacht club was very impressed with the completed slipway repair, once again the slipway is in full operation.