Berth Modifications
River Wall Sheet Piling Install

Topbond carried out modifications to the concrete berth to facilitate a larger vessel; these works included wire sawing sections of concrete from the top of the berth to some 14m below, to bed level. The works were assisted by Topjack JUB, lifting out sections of the old berth.

Cooks Road
Topbond were appointed to carry out the construction of a replacement river wall at, Cooks Road, London E15. The works consisted of the demolition of a mass concrete wall and cutting down existing timber piles below water level; which ultimately facilitated the installation of a 90m of sheet piled wall with a concrete capping beam
Bridge Removal

Berry Hill
Topbond completed this scheme as part of our framework agreement with Transport for Buckinghamshire. Berry Hill footbridge was constructed to carry a footpath across a newly constructed flood relief channel which was opened in 2002. The project objectives were to safely remove the central span of Berry Hill footbridge which had a span of 36.7m & estimated weight of around 35T. A lower chord had failed & the bridge was closed to the public due to it’s dangerous condition.

Topbond provide marine services to a variety of industry sectors including Ports, Renewable Energy and Civil Engineering sectors. Their clients agree that one of the unique aspects of working with Topbond is not only their collaborative solution focused expert approach, but also the availability of in-house plant and craft. Working in both coastal and inland waters and in sometimes exceptionally challenging environments, Topbond are proving their experience in this sector is second to none.
Ship Impact Damage
Marine Surveys

Boston Barrier
Topbond tailor-make all marine charter requirements and work collaboratively to ensure all aspects of any marine project or charter are covered off. Part of the fleet available is Topjack, a 250t Jack-Up barge and also an 80t Mariner. In addition we have a wide variety of pontoons for river and canal works, together with various tugs and safety boats, all supplied with dedicated, fully trained and ticketed operating personnel. Topbond offers a complete package. Full specification sheets of all craft can be found here.

Port of Tilbury
Topbond can react rapidly and deploy what’s needed should any damage occur or urgent repair requirements present short-notice. With a long-serving and reliable labour force and a variety of marine plant available in-house, Topbond offer a one-stop-shop solution.

Herne Bay
Topbond can undertake any marine or land based structural surveys, with a wealth of experienced personal and a variety of carefully chosen vessels, we can accommodate all enquiries.
Jetty/Wall Repairs

London City Airport
Topbond can undertake all types of demolition, above and below the water line, with a wealth of marine experience, and all types of floating plant.
Raynes Jetty
Topbond can offer a complete design and construct service, from survey to implementation of the repairs, including any license requirements; we are able to reinstate in concrete (including precast by our in-house operations) steel and timber, works carried out in house using a highly experienced labour force.
Timber Jetty Demolition

Topbond carried out essential repairs to these jetties, involving the removal and disposal of loose and rotten timbers , in addition the erection of new navigation lights and access ladders. These works were completed with in-house labour and plant, including Topjack JUB which facilitated the removal of some large steel structures.